Sea Changes revolves around the character Sarah Andrews who is lonely in Australia and still grieving her dead husband.
Sarah sees a psychologist but doesn’t feel that he fully understands. She didn't socialize much outside of her husband so has trouble adjusting to the culture in Australia. Her daughter decides her mother has mourned long enough and pushes her to move on with her life.
Underwater World
She stumbles across a fascinating parallel world in the sea where she feels loved, accepted and at peace. Sarah's original plan was to commit suicide but instead she decides to help her new friends. What’s real and what’s fantasy becomes clouded, especially when she begins to confide in her psychologist.
Suspense, Mystery and Murder
A missing celebrity who happens to look like one of her new friends from the sea adds to the mystery. This complicates her quiet life, as she becomes the prime suspect, which leads her to feel more misunderstood and abandoned. Her own family becomes distant and she can no longer trust her psychologist.
Sarah finally starts to put herself first and is surprised at her new found strength and independence. Eventually, she finds herself cornered and is forced to choose between the two worlds. Should she feel obligated to the family that she has left and her husband’s memory or embrace the love and friendship she has found with a new man?
Although Sarah could be a depressing sort of character, Gail Graham has created her as an adventurous widowed woman who still sees the humor in things. She has also experienced the loss of her own husband and child and is able to describe the grief very accurately.
Sea Changes (Jade Phoenix Publishing, May 2009, ISBN: 9780692001004), comes alive with so many exciting twists and turns that it becomes impossible to put down. Gail Graham manages to maintain the suspense throughout the novel and the realistic details make this unlikely story believable.
Mourning and New Hope
Although it’s an entertaining fantasy, Sea Changes is also an emotional journey that offers hope to others in mourning. Things can never be the same after losing a spouse, but eventually other reasons to live provide opportunities and offer enough strength to continue. This is an excellent book to recommend to anyone grieving or facing depression because it offers hope that eventually, things do get better.
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